Taxi fares in Milan
How much does a cab cost in Milan?
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Taxi fares in Milan
In Milan, the cost of a cab ride is calculated by the taximeter based on the route actually taken by the customer and based on municipal fares.
Initial shot: € 4,10 (weekday daytime) – € 6,60 (holiday daytime) – € 7,90 (nighttime)
Mileage cost: € 1,32 (up to € 17,35, see details)
Hourly cost: € 34,48 (see details)
To learn about municipal rates in detail, click here:
Fixed fares to and from Milan airports.
The taxi fares below are fixed route (pit stops or detours excluded), based on a single vehicle (not on the number of passengers), including all supplements.
FAQs – Frequently Ask Questions
The cost of a cab ride in Milan for 10 km depends on the average speed of the cab.
If the average speed is greater than 20 km/hour, the cost can be calculated as follows: – Up to € 17,35: € 1,32 per km – From € 17,35 onward: € 1,98 per km The cost of a ride consists of two amounts, an initial fixed “flag” amount between € 4,10 e € 7,90 and one that varies depending on the route and time taken.
Use our online tool to get a quote: Milan Taxi Quote
The cost of a cab at night in Milan depends on the distance traveled and the time taken for the trip.
In addition, there are usually night rates that can be higher than daytime rates.
In general, the basic rate for a night cab in Milan is around € 7,90 euros, plus a cost per kilometer (usually around € 1,98 euros per kilometer) and a cost per minute of waiting time (usually around € 0,57 euros per minute).
During the night, rates can increase by 20-30% over daytime rates.
You can use our tool to estimate the amount of your cab ride to avoid unpleasant surprises when paying.
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The cost of the cab consists of two amounts: an initial fixed amount and a value that varies as the ride progresses, based on a system of progressions that is applied automatically during the cab service.
See our Fares page for details.
From downtown Milan to Milan Linate Airport, the fare for a cab ride is a calculated by meter.
The final fare varies depending on the address of which can be very close or very far from the airport, basically just multiply the distance by road (not as the crow flies) by an average coefficient of € 1,98 per km to which a 30 percent should be added to take into account the incidence of traffic.
Given that there are several variables to consider, a cab fare calculation tool is available on the Taxiblu .it website at
Gli aeroporti di Linate, Malpensa e Orio al Serio costituiscono il bacino aeroportuale lombardo che comprende tre province (Milano, Varese e Bergamo). For Malpensa, Linate and Orio al Serio airports the fares are fixed including all costs. Find out the taxi fares to the airpots here: Airport taxi fares.
The value grows and varies as the ride progresses, according to a system of progressions that comes into operation automatically during the course of the service.
You can simulate the cost of your cab ride here: Milan Taxi Fares.
The fare parameters set by the Milan municipality are € 1,32 per km and € 34,48 per hour.
Therefore, the cost per half-hour cab ride in Milan depends on the distance traveled and the time taken.
Half an hour when the vehicle is stationary incurs for:
- under € 17,35, € 17,24 on the amount of the ride,
- above € 17,35, € 25,86 on the ride amount.
While the cost of a half-hour vehicle on the road depends on the commercial speed you can charge at that time.
Cab fares are set and updated by the city government, to stay up to date you can consult our Milan cab fares page .
The route from Malpensa Airport to Milan Central Station falls under one of the predetermined fares therefore, if made without stops or intermediate stops, regardless of what the taximeter indicates and including any surcharge, it costs € 114.
Predetermined fares are set and updated by the city government, to stay up to date you can check our Milan cab fares page.
The cost of a cab ride in Milan for 10 km depends on the average speed of the cab.
If the average speed is greater than 20 km/hour, the cost can be calculated as follows: – Up to € 17,35: € 1,32 per km – From € 17,35 onward: € 1,98 per km The cost of a ride consists of two amounts, an initial fixed “flag” amount between € 4,10 e € 7,90 and one that varies depending on the route and time taken.
For a clearer idea you can try our online tool: Milan Taxi Quote
To find out the quote for your cab ride you can use our Taxi Fare Calculator tool or more conveniently use the appTaxi app usable in other cities in Italy.